About  ⌇ Who is Elliott?

I run Agentry, an arts marketing micro-consultancy.

I’m always looking for ghost signs and other Forgotten Type.

You can get me on 0405 059 367 or elliott@agentry.au.

I am @elliottbledsoe on most things, including Mastodon and Bluesky.

A photo of Elliott Bledsoe, wearing glasses with clip on sunglasses, a black beard (with a bit of grey!), a brown leather jacket with a grey hood and a black t-shirt with the logo for Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back on it in yellow.
Keepin’ busy

Currently I am engaged as a Marketing Consultant with BlakDance two days a week.

I am running a 6-month strategic arts marketing training program for CircuitWest.

Bangin’ on about
  • Arts marketing
  • Tech
  • Copyright
  • Open knowledge & culture
For love, not money

The Wikimedia Foundation icon.
President, Wikimedia Australia

Creative Commons brand icon. It is two lowercase letter Cs styled similar to the global symbol for copyright but with a second C. Like the C in the copyright symbol, the two Cs are enclosed in a circle.
Co-lead, Creative Commons Australia

My spirit animal
The original Nyan Cat GIF.

What else do you want to know?

My biography
My experience
Get in touch


Selfie photo: Trent Martin, ‘Elliott at Gripsholm Castle (Gripsholms slott)’, 2023. Original available on elliottbledsoe.wtf, https://elliottbledsoe.wtf/biographies#headshots. Licensed for reuse under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Generic licence (CC BY 4.0). An off-white version of the Creative Commons brand icon. It is two lowercase letter Cs styled similar to the global symbol for copyright but with a second C. Like the C in the copyright symbol, the two Cs are enclosed in a circle. An off-white version of the Creative Commons attribution icon. It is the symbolic representation of a male person commonly used to indicate male toilets enclosed in a circle.

Digital badge: Australian Marketing Institute, ‘Certified Practising Marketer credential badge’, n.d. Original available on the AMI website, https://ami.org.au. © Copryright Australian Marketing Institute.

GIF: PRGUITARMAN, ‘Nyan Cat’, 2011. Original available on the Nyan Cat Collection, https://nyancatcollection.com/images/Original.gif. © Copyright PRGUITARMAN.