Is a bit passé to blog these days? Maybe, but it does give me a place to share some ideas.
Featured posts
A few of my better thoughts:
10 ways to improve the situation for arts marketers
Arts marketers in Australia are undervalued, underpaid and overwhelmed. To improve arts marketing change at every level of the arts is needed: from arts marketers themselves, from their managers and from arts leadership.
Apple’s iPad Pro video didn’t just ‘miss the mark’
Apple’s iPad Pro ‘Crush!’ video wanted to celebrate the powerful new iPad Pro but instead made a metaphoric tribute to technology crushing creativity, fueling AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → anxieties.
Other blog posts
A few other thougths that I’ve had lately:
The ‘starving artist’ trope is just one reason of why things suck for artists. Artistic censorship has come up again this week. And AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → companies are pushing out new features in rapid fire.
UniMelb publishes ‘truth-telling’ tome, Internet Archive is the latest cultural heritage organisation hit by denial-of-serviceDisruption of the operation of a website making it unavailable to its intended users by flooding it with illegitimate traffic. Learn more → attack and Spunk Records closes, marking another loss for Australian music.