Information about copyright and Creative Commons licensing of content on this website.
You can’t keep a good idea to yourself. I believe in the power of open access to knowledge and creativity and a thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture. That’s why is licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons licence. You can share (most of) the content on under that licence.
Copyright in content on this website
© Copyright 2024 Elliott Bledsoe. Some rights reserved.
Except where otherwise indicated, the content on is the copyright of Elliott Bledsoe.
Most of the content on is text (what copyright refers to a ‘literary works’). There is also some photographs and visual graphics (both of which copyright refers to as ‘artistic works’). The duration of copyright for literary and artistic works is the end of the calendar year 70 years from the year the creator died (commonly stated as ‘life of the creator plus 70 years’) ⟨ morbid and macabre, right?!⟩ For this material, calculate the end of copyright protection from the year I die.
Sometimes I also post audio and video (what the Copyright Act calls ‘sound recordings’ and ‘cinematographic film’ respectively). By publishing that material on this website I it has been ‘made public’ for copyright’s purposes, meaning that the duration of copyright protection for sound recordings and films is 70 years after the end of the calendar year in which the material was first made public (commonly stated as ‘first made public plus 70 years). In such cases, where a date is associated with the material (e.g. a date is specified in the caption for the content or on a blog post) calculate the copyright duration based on the year stated. Where no date is associated with the material, calculate the copyright duration based on 2024, as this was the year I created the current version of this website.
Copyright licence & reusing Elliott’s content
Further to the copyright licensing information displayed in the footer of this website:
Except where otherwise indicated, all copyright-protected material on is licensed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0).
For clarity, the CC licence applies to all text, visuals, audio and video (i.e literary works, artistic works, sound recordings and films) created by Elliott Bledsoe. For a summary of the licence and what uses are permitted under it, see the Deed. For the full licence terms, ⟨ for copyright tragics like me who want to read the nitty gritty!⟩ see the full Legal Code.
Under the licence you can reuse the CC-licensed content, meaning you are free to copy, share and adapt the CC-licensed content on this website, or any modified version (i.e. any derivative) you create from it, even commercially, as long as you acknowledge Elliott Bledsoe as the original creator of it. Where reasonably possible, please provide a hyperlink to the URLA unique identifier such as an IP address or web address that can be used by a user to retrieve the intended resource. Learn more → (e.g. the specific web page) where the material you have reused is displayed on this website. For general guidance on attributing CC-licensed material, see Recommended practices for attribution on the CC Wiki.
⟨ With all that said, please make use of this website’s CC-licensed content as you see fit!⟩
Of course, any legitimate use of the copyright-protected material on this website under a copyright exception is permitted, and such uses do not have to comply with the terms of the CC licence.
Copyright & third-party content
There are situations where content owned by third-parties is included on Where third-party copyright material has been displayed on this website it has been clearly indicated. Where possible, the title, year of creation or publication and the name of the creator is included, as well as information related to the copyright status of the third-party content. Typically, the copyright status of third-party material will be either:
- protected by copyright and permission of the copyright owner should be sought to reuse the material if a copyright exception does not apply
- the material is licensed for reuse under an open licence such as a Creative Commons licence, and resue can be made under the terms of the specific licence that applies to the third-party material, or
- the material is in the public domain, in which case copyright has expired and there are no restrictions on its reuse.
Please be aware that all third-party material included on this website is excluded from the Creative Commons licence that applies to the rest of the website.
Where third-party content that is protected by copyright is included on, it is used within the scope of a copyright licence or within the scope of one or more exception to copyright outlined in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). Third-party material is typically identified in the caption below where the material is displayed, with further information about the material listed in the Credits section of the web page the material is displayed on. Typically, I will indicate where my use is made under a licence or which exception I am relying on for a specific use in relation to any copyright-protected third-party content.
Where an exception has been relied on, the most common applicable exceptions are:
- in relation to the reuse of works (literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works):
- a fair dealing for the purpose of reporting news under section 42, and/or
- a fair dealing for the purpose of criticism or review under section 41
- in relation to subject matter other than works (sound recordings, cinematographic films, broadcasts and published editions of works):
- a fair dealing for the purpose of reporting news under section 103B, and/or
- a fair dealing for the purpose of criticism or review under section 103A.
Copyright & AI outputs
AI-generated outputs are included on this website. Copyright matters are one of the biggest areas of issues raised by AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more →. What material was used to train an AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system, where it was sourced, how it was gathered and whether permission was legally required can be tricky questions to answer. Equally tricky is the copyright status of AI-generated material. Whether AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → outputs are protected by copyright remains contested.
In light of that context, to the extent that copyright exists, if at all, in any AI-generated content instigated by me on this website (whether identified as being generated using AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → or not), I license that material for reuse under the terms of the Creative Commons licence that applies to the copyright material I am the owner of.
I have included information about how I disclose the use of AI-generated content on elsewhere.