There is plenty of evangelising and FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) when it comes to AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more →. The issues related to it are complex. As these technologies proliferate so to do expectations and anxieties. Opportunities abound, but so does the potential for harm. With that in mind, I want to be transparent about how I engage with AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more →.
AI-generated outputs are included on this website. I commit to disclosing any AI-generated content that is included. This page provides more information on how I intend to do that in different contexts.
AI-generated audiovisual content
Audiovisual AI-generated content (visual graphics, audio or video) is typically identified in the caption below where the material is displayed. Typically I will provide a short description of the content followed by details related to how it was generated enclosed within braces – the fore-facing brace (U+007B {
) and the back-facing brace (U+007D }
). For captions, this is typically disclosure of the short form of the name of the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system used to generate the audiovisual content (e.g. Chat-GPT, Gemini, etc).
Further information about the AI-generated audiovisual material will also be listed in the Credits and Disclosure sections of the web page. The Credits section will typically provide:
- more complete details of the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system used to generate the audiovisual material, such as the version of the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system used, and
- whether the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → audiovisual material has been included ‘as is’ or whether I made any changes to it.
The Disclosure section will typically include a Use of AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → subsection which discloses:
- the prompt or prompts used to generate the audiovisual material, and
- if the audiovisual material has been altered by me, a description of what alterations have occurred.
AI-generated text
Often I will use AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → to explore ideas I am thinking about. Sometimes I use it to create a first draft of written content. It is very rare for me to use AI-generated text ‘as is’; partly because I am loathed to give up my agency and voice in what I write about on this website, but also because AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → is not often right. It can literally be factually incorrect, but it also often have the wrong ‘vibe’, and requires rewriting. That said:
How I will disclose text that was generated by AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → will depend on the context.
Verbatim AI-generated text
If sections of AI-generated text are used verbatim with little or no changes made by me I will disclose that enclosed within braces in-text after the AI-generated text or below the AI-generated text in question. In these cases it is typically disclosure of the short form of the name of the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system used to generate the audiovisual content (e.g. Chat-GPT, Gemini, etc).
As a general rule, I take the use of five or more consecutive words . When counting words, I generally exclude:
- abbreviations
- most articles (sometimes called determiners), including ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’
- some conjunctions, including ‘and’ and ‘or’, but not excluding ‘because’, ‘but’ and ‘however’
- some prepositions, such as ‘in’ and ‘on’
- some infinitives, particularly where an infinitive is formed by adding ‘to’ before the base form of the verb, and
- titles after a person’s name, including:
- initialisms, such as ‘MP’ for Members of a house of parliament
- post-nominals, such as ‘AC’, ‘AM’, ‘AO’ and ‘OAM’ for honours awarded Order of Australia honours, ‘KC’ and ‘SC’ for eminent barristers and academic and professional post-nominals.
For clarify, I generally include in the word count adjectives, nouns, pronouns, titles before a person’s name and verbs. Also, I generally include any article, conjunction, preposition or infinitive that is important in the text.
Further information about the verbatim AI-generated text will also be listed in the Disclosure section of the web page. The Disclosure section will typically include a Use of AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → subsection which discloses:
- more complete details of the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system used to generate the text, such as the version of the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system used
- whether the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → text has been included ‘as is’ or whether I made any changes to it
- the prompt or prompts used to generate the material, and
- if the material has been altered by me, a description of what alterations have occurred.
Derivatives of AI-generated text
Where AI-generated text was used to generate ideas or to produce an initial draft of sections of text on this website this will not be disclosed in-text. Details of text derived from AI-generated text will be provided in the Disclosure section of the web page. The Disclosure section will typically include a Use of AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → subsection which discloses:
- more complete details of the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system used to generate the text, such as the version of the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system used
- whether the AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → text has been included ‘as is’ or whether I made any changes to it
- the prompt or prompts used to generate the material, and
- a description of how the AI-generated text was used e.g. as inspiration, to generate ideas, to provide an outline or structure, to summarise information, etc.
AI outputs & copyright
Copyright matters are one of the biggest areas of issues raised by AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more →. What material was used to train an AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → system, where it was sourced, how it was gathered and whether permission was legally required can be tricky questions to answer. Equally tricky is the copyright status of AI-generated material. Whether AIAI is tech and marketing speak for a range of technology that imitates human intellect. Learn more → outputs are protected by copyright remains contested.
I have included information about how I view the copyright status of any AI-generated content instigated by me included on this website elsewhere if that is of interest.